Meet Timothy

adventure turtle resizeHi there, my name is Timothy the Turtle.  My bestest, bestest friends call me Tim-Tim.  As you can see I have left home.  I have all that I own in the world in my little red bag on a steeeck.  Do you know Jeff Dunham, he has a Jalepeno on a steeeck.   And I have a red bag on a steek.  Whahahahaha.  Yes we get Jeff Dunham in Turtleville.  Oh I do hope you have a sense of humour.  :lol:.  Isn’t it great that you can also get Jeff Dunham here on Earthville.  If you didn’t I would say you would definitely be deprived of something really great.

Where are you from Timothy you ask? (oh you got me, yes I can read human minds,  scary stuff that,  wooooo).  I am from Turtleville.  It is a beautiful place, but I have always had a yearning to see more of the world. 

In Turtleville there is an urban legend that if you leave Turtleville you never return.  My Turtilians are very afraid to step off the island because of this urban legend.  I was also afraid, but I said to myself, Timothy, you are not getting any younger, it is now or never.  So Here I am.  Do you know the first place I  landed was a place called DuBuy.  Do you know it?  The owner of Dubuy says it is a new way of experiencing Adventure and Transformation.  Wow, what a coincidence, because I am looking for adventure.  Not to sure about the Transformation, coze I’m cool, really cool.

The owner of Dubuy is really zany and she asked me, if I wanted to be part of this whole new way of experiencing Adventure.  Ofcouse, being a Turtilian I know a good thing when I see it and I just had to say YES, YES, YES, I DO.

So Timothy, what you gonna do, you ask? What I am going to do is so fantastic, in fact it is so good I don’t know if I want to share it.  It’s like when you have a juicy secret and you just want to hold it close to you, because it is yours, and yours alone and you don’t want to share it with anyone.  Well that’s how I feel about what I am gonna do.  It is deliciously, wonderfully adventurous, and oh so scarrryyyy.  Trying something new for the first time can be scary.

Oh alright, I will tell you, but then you must promise me that you will tell all your bestest, bestest friends about me.  Only your bestest friends 😆

DuBuy will be launching soon, very soon and I am going to go and find you, yes you, the bestest adventure promotions in South Africa and places like Mozambique and Namibia.  Then Zany Lady (don’t tell her I called her the Zany Lady) is gonna list them all here for you on DuBuy. Cool hey, so you will be able to get all the bestest promotions in one place.

You must visit us often as I am going to tell you all about my adventures and the cool places you can visit.

I’m hoping we can become bestest, bestest friends and you will share your adventure stories with me.

Buy-Buy from Timothy

Life is an Adventure. LiVe It Today!

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